South African Income Tax Rates from 2018 to 2025

Individuals - Rates

2017/182018/192019/202020/212021/222022/232023/24 & 2024/25
0 - 189 88018%0 - 195 85018%0 - 195 85018%0 - 205 90018%0 - 216 20018%0 - 226 00018%0 - 237 10018%
189 881 - 296 540R34 178 + 26% of the amount above R189 880195 851 - 305 85035 253 + 26% of the amount above R195 850195 851 - 305 85035 253 + 26% of the amount above R195 850205 901 - 321 600R37 062 + 26% of amount above R205 900216 201 - 337 800R38 916 + 26% of amount above R216 200226 001 - 353 100R40 680 + 26% of the amount above R226 000237 101 - 370 500R42 678 + 26% of the amount above R237 100
296 541 - 410 460R61 910 + 31% of the amount above R296 540305 851 - 423 300R63 853 + 31% of the amount above R305 850305 851 - 423 300R63 853 + 31% of the amount above R305 850321 601 - 445 100R67 144 + 31% of amount above R321 600337 801 - 467 500R70 532 + 31% of amount above R337 800353 101 - 488 700R73 726 + 31% of the amount above R353 100370 501 - 512 800R77 362 + 31% of the amount above R370 500
410 461 - 555 600R97 225 + 36% of the amount above R410 460423 301 - 555 600R100 263 + 36% of the amount above R423 300423 301 - 555 600R100 263 + 36% of the amount above R423 300445 101 - 584 200R105 429 + 36% of amount above R445 100467 501 - 613 600R110 739 + 36% of amount above R467 500488 701 - 641 400R115 762 + 36% of the amount above R488 700512 801 - 673 000R121 475 + 36% of the amount above R512 800
555 601 - 708 310R149 475 + 39 % of the amount above R555 600555 601 - 708 310R147 891 + 39 % of the amount above R555 600555 601 - 708 310R147 891 + 39 % of the amount above R555 600584 201 - 744 800R155 505 + 39% of amount above R584 200613 601 - 782 200R163 335 + 39% of amount above R613 600641 401 - 817 600R170 734 + 39% of amount above R641 400673 001 - 857 900R179 147 + 39 % of the amount above R673 000
708 311 - 1 500 000R209 032 + 41% of the amount above R708 310708 311 - 1 500 000R207 448 + 41% of the amount above R708 310708 311 - 1 500 000R207 448 + 41% of the amount above R708 310744 801 - 1 577 300R218 139 + 41% of amount above R744 800782 201 - 1 656 600R229 089 + 41% of amount above R782 200817 601 - 1 731 600R239 452 + 41% of amount above R817 600857 901 - R1 817 000R251 258 + 41% of the amount above R857 900
R1 500 001 and aboveR533 625 + 45% of the amount above R1 500 000R1 500 001 and aboveR532 041 + 45% of the amount above R1 500 000R1 500 001 and aboveR532 041 + 45% of the amount above R1 500 000R1 577 301 and aboveR559 464 + 45% of the amount above R1 577 300R1 656 601 and aboveR587 593 + 45% of the amount above R1 656 600R1 731 601 and aboveR614 192 + 45% of the amount above R1 731 600R1 817 001 and aboveR644 489 + 45% of the amount above R1 817 000

A summary of older individual rates is available in the archive.

Individuals - Rebates

2017/182018/192019/202020/212021/222022/232023/24 &
Primary rebateR13 635R14 067R14 220R14 958R15 714R16 425R17 235
Additional age 65 and over rebateR7 479R7 713R7 794R8 199R8 613R9 000R9 444
Additional age 75 and over rebateR2 493R2 574R2 601R2 736R2 871R2 997R3 145
Tax threshold below age 65R75 750R78 150R79 000R83 100R87 300R91 250R95 750
Tax threshold age 65 - 74R117 300R121 000R122 300R128 650R135 150R141 250R148 217
Tax threshold age 75 and overR131 150R135 300R136 750R143 850R151 100R157 900R165 689

Individuals - Monthly Medical Scheme Tax Credit

 2017/182018/192019/202020/212021/222022/232023/24 &
First dependantR303R310R310R319R332R347R364
Subsequent dependantsR204R209R209R215R224R234R246

Individuals - Interest and Dividends Exemption

2017/182018/192019/202020/212021/222022/232023/24 &
Individuals below age 65R23 800R23 800R23 800R23 800R23 800R23 800R23 800
Individuals 65 and overR34 500R34 500R34 500R34 500R34 500R34 500R34 500

Tax free savings accounts (subject to annual and lifetime contribution limits) were introduced in 2015/16. As a result the interest exemptions above will no longer be increased.

Dividends received from domestic companies were generally exempt from income tax. A notable exception was a dividend from a "fixed property company", since such a company may deduct a dividend declared as an expense for tax purposes. Dividends received from foreign companies were generally taxable. A notable exception was a dividend from a JSE Securities Exchange listed company.

A participation exemption for dividends from a holding of more than 25% in the equity share capital of a foreign company came into effect for years of assessment commencing on or after 1 June 2004. This would be the 2005/6 year for individuals. The participation exemption was extended to a holding of at least 20% of the total equity share capital with voting rights of at least 20% for dividends received or accrued on or after 8 November 2005. It was extended to a holding of at least 10% from 1 March 2012.

From 1 April 2012 dividends received by individuals from domestic companies are subject to a final withholding tax but are exempt from normal tax. Only a proportion of dividends received from foreign companies are included in individuals' taxable income. From 22 February 2017 the withholding tax rate was increased to from 15% to 20%. From 1 March 2017 the proportion of dividends from foreign companies included in individuals' taxable income was increased to 44.4%, so the effective rate on these dividends also increased to 20%.

Capital Gains Tax - Inclusion

 2016/17 on
Individuals & special trusts40%
Companies & other trusts80%

Only a percentage of a person's net capital gains for a year is included in taxable income and taxed at normal rates.


2017/182018/192019/202020/212021/222022/232023/24 &
Small Business
 0 - <65 Threshold
<65 Threshold - 365 000
365 001 -550 000
550 001 and above

* The 28% rate is reduced to 27% for years of assessment ending on or after 31 March 2023

The table does not deal with gold mines or long-term insurance companies, which are subject to special rates. Turnover and shareholding conditions apply in respect of the small business corporation system.

A summary of older corporate rates is available in the archive.

Micro Business Turnover Tax

2017/182018/192019/202020/212021/222022/232023/24 & 2024/25
0 - 335 0000%0 - 335 0000%0 - 335 0000%0 - 335 0000%0 - 335 0000%0 - 335 0000%0 - 335 0000%
335 001 - 500 0001% of the amount above R335 000335 001 - 500 0001% of the amount above R335 000335 001 - 500 0001% of the amount above R335 000335 001 - 500 0001% of the amount above R335 000335 001 - 500 0001% of the amount above R335 000335 001 - 500 0001% of the amount above R335 000335 001 - 500 0001% of the amount above R335 000
500 001 - 750 000R1 650 + 2% of the amount above R500 000500 001 - 750 000R1 650 + 2% of the amount above R500 000500 001 - 750 000R1 650 + 2% of the amount above R500 000500 001 - 750 000R1 650 + 2% of the amount above R500 000500 001 - 750 000R1 650 + 2% of the amount above R500 000500 001 - 750 000R1 650 + 2% of the amount above R500 000500 001 - 750 000R1 650 + 2% of the amount above R500 000
750 001 and aboveR6 650 + 3% of the amount above R750 000750 001 and aboveR6 650 + 3% of the amount above R750 000750 001 and aboveR6 650 + 3% of the amount above R750 000750 001 and aboveR6 650 + 3% of the amount above R750 000750 001 and aboveR6 650 + 3% of the amount above R750 000750 001 and aboveR6 650 + 3% of the amount above R750 000750 001 and aboveR6 650 + 3% of the amount above R750 000

Turnover and shareholding conditions apply in respect of the micro business turnover tax system.

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