The South African Revenue Service (SARS) has settled all legitimate claims of the GPW as at 31 August 2005.
SARS today informed Mr. Tom Moyane, CEO of the GPW, that SARS' accounting systems cannot detect any overdue payments.
All payments are effected in accordance with the SARS procurement policies and procedures and are made within 30 days of receipt of a valid invoice in terms of the National Treasury regulations.
Mr. Moyane's attention was drawn to the fact that the GPW is unable to furnish conclusive information in the form of valid purchase orders, invoices and evidence of receipt of goods/services for the invoices amounting to R413 000. Should the GPW be able to furnish such information, SARS would effect prompt payment thereof.
Unfortunately, this matter has generated comment from the official opposition in Parliament who accused SARS, without due consideration of "undermining their [SARS'] position and purpose" in Government.
These comments by Mr. Motlatjo Thetjeng, MP for the Democratic Alliance (DA), are ill-conceived and lack factual basis. The DA should have established the facts with SARS first before making accusations.
SARS executes its legal mandate to collect all revenues with all seriousness and fairness.
Similarly, operating expenses of the organisation are guided by stringent financial policies. The DA owes it to its constituency and particularly to honest taxpayers in South Africa to employ similar seriousness before commenting on important issues, particularly where it lacks information.
For further media enquiries please contact Adrian Lackay on 012 422 3067 or 083 388 2580.