Graphic Guns as Regular as Clockwork

French born firearm instructor Mr Jacques Arzul is a qualified National Firearms Training Association (Nafta) instructor who immigrated to South Africa in 1967.

A qualified musician, he opened a business restoring clocks and watches in Stellenbosch and also became a founder member of the Steellenbosch shooting club in 1969.

He has lately moved into the area of computer programming, using sophisticated graphics software to enhance his training courses.

Arzul will share his expertise in weaponry and gun safety over the next few issues of City Vision which will carry a monthly Safety and Security feature.

Nafta is the only national body of firearm instructors recognised by the South African Police Services.

Arzul reports that in order to qualify to own a firearm you must have:

In our next feature we hope to present more advice, as well as some of Mr Arzul's computer generated graphics.

Call Arzul at 887-6889.

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